Sep-Dec 2025: SERC to host a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Critical Raw Materials

This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is planned for September-December 2025: Stay tuned for more updates on when and how to register!

Course overview
Access to critical minerals and materials crucial to our wealth and well-being must be produced in a sustainable way. This means that the research must deal with metals and minerals that are innovation-critical, necessary for green/smart transition, rare, of insufficient supply or which should not be traded from conflict zones.
Various component of the course makes it useful for professionals and hands-on with lectures, assignments, homeworks, fieldcourse and field reports as well as rock physics lab.

By the end of the course, you will be able to: analyze what exploration methods are used for what commodities, have good knowledge of the state-of-the-art solutions and incorporate your learning in today's industry practices.

This course is designed for those who are geologists, engineers or work with sustainability to learn how critical raw materials are explored, mined and turn to metals. It is open to both university students but also industry participants from relevant sectors.
